Industry net flows
A string vector containing names of Industry
s in the IEA extended energy balances database, excluding energy industry own use flows.
A string vector with 20 entries.
- construction
The string identifier for the construction industry.
- manufacturing
The string identifier for the aggregation category of manufacturing industries industry.
- iron_and_steel
The string identifier for the iron and steel industry.
- chemical_and_petrochemical
The string identifier for the chemical and petrochemical industry.
- non_ferrous_metals
The string identifier for the non-ferrous metals industry.
- non_metallic_minerals
The string identifier for the non-metallic minerals industry.
- transport_equipment
The string identifier for the transport equipment industry.
- machinery
The string identifier for the machinery industry.
- food_and_tobacco
The string identifier for the food and tobacco industry.
- paper_pulp_and_print
The string identifier for the paper, pulp and print industry. (For 2018 and earlier versions of the IEA extended energy balance database.)
- paper_pulp_and_printing
The string identifier for the paper, pulp and printing industry. (For 2019 and later versions of the IEA extended energy balance database.)
- wood_and_wood_products
The string identifier for the wood and wood products industry.
- textile_and_leather
The string identifier for the textile and leather industry.
- non_specified_industry
The string identifier for non-specified (industry).
- industry_not_elsewhere_specified
The string identifier for industry not elsewhere specified.
#> $mining_and_quarrying
#> [1] "Mining and quarrying"
#> $construction
#> [1] "Construction"
#> $manufacturing
#> [1] "Manufacturing"
#> $iron_and_steel
#> [1] "Iron and steel"
#> $chemical_and_petrochemical
#> [1] "Chemical and petrochemical"
#> $non_ferrous_metals
#> [1] "Non-ferrous metals"
#> $non_metallic_minerals
#> [1] "Non-metallic minerals"
#> $transport_equipment
#> [1] "Transport equipment"
#> $machinery
#> [1] "Machinery"
#> $food_and_tobacco
#> [1] "Food and tobacco"
#> $paper_pulp_and_print
#> [1] "Paper, pulp and print"
#> $paper_pulp_and_printing
#> [1] "Paper, pulp and printing"
#> $wood_and_wood_products
#> [1] "Wood and wood products"
#> $textile_and_leather
#> [1] "Textile and leather"
#> $non_specified_industry
#> [1] "Non-specified (industry)"
#> $industry_not_elsewhere_specified
#> [1] "Industry not elsewhere specified"
#> $oil_extraction
#> [1] "Oil extraction"
#> $natural_gas_extraction
#> [1] "Natural gas extraction"