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This function separates the EIOU flows of the Oil and gas extraction industry into EIOU flows for the Oil extraction industry and EIOU flows for the Natural gas extraction industry. It uses the shares of production of each of these two industries to separate EIOU flows. As such, the EIOU consumed per unit of output will be the same for the Oil extraction and Natural gas extraction industries.


  eiou = IEATools::aggregation_flows$energy_industry_own_use,
  country = IEATools::iea_cols$country,
  energy_type = IEATools::iea_cols$energy_type,
  method = IEATools::iea_cols$method,
  last_stage = IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage,
  ledger_side = IEATools::iea_cols$ledger_side,
  year = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
  flow = IEATools::iea_cols$flow,
  flow_aggregation_point = IEATools::iea_cols$flow_aggregation_point,
  e_dot = IEATools::iea_cols$e_dot,
  oil_gas_extraction = IEATools::eiou_flows$oil_and_gas_extraction,
  transformation_processes = IEATools::aggregation_flows$transformation_processes,
  oil_extraction = IEATools::industry_flows$oil_extraction,
  gas_extraction = IEATools::industry_flows$natural_gas_extraction,
  .share = ".share"



The .tidy_iea_df on which oil and gas extraction EIOU flows need to be separated.


The name of the Energy industry own use flow aggregation point. Default is IEATools::aggregation_flows$energy_industry_own_use.

country, energy_type, method, last_stage, ledger_side, year, flow, flow_aggregation_point, e_dot

See IEATools::iea_cols.


The name of the Oil and gas extraction EIOU flow. Default is IEATools::eiou_flows$oil_and_gas_extraction.


The name of the flow aggregation point referring to transformation processes. Default is IEATools::aggregation_flows$transformation_processes.


The name of the Oil extraction industry. Default is IEATools::industry_flows$oil_extraction.


The name of the Natural gas extraction industry. Default is IEATools::industry_flows$natural_gas_extraction.


The name of a temporary column that is added to the data frame. Default is ".share".


A .tidy_iea_df with "Oil and gas extraction" EIOU flows split into 'Oil extraction" and "Natural gas extraction" EIOU flows.


load_tidy_iea_df() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 403 × 11
#>    Country Method EnergyType LastStage  Year LedgerSide FlowAggregationPoint    
#>    <chr>   <chr>  <chr>      <chr>     <dbl> <chr>      <chr>                   
#>  1 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#>  2 GHA     PCM    E          Final      2000 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#>  3 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#>  4 GHA     PCM    E          Final      2000 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#>  5 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#>  6 GHA     PCM    E          Final      2000 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#>  7 GHA     PCM    E          Final      2000 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#>  8 GHA     PCM    E          Final      2000 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#>  9 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#> 10 GHA     PCM    E          Final      2000 Supply     Total primary energy su…
#> # ℹ 393 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: Flow <chr>, Product <chr>, Unit <chr>, Edot <dbl>