Final-to-useful template column names
A string list containing named names of columns in templates
(either final-to-useful allocations or machine efficiency)
for final-to-useful analysis.
Items in the list provide default values for column and row name function arguments
throughout the IEATools
A string list with 24 entries
- ef_product
The name of the final energy product column in final-to-useful templates.
- machine
The name of the machine column in final-to-useful templates.
- eu_product
The name of the useful energy product column in final-to-useful templates.
- destination
The name of the destination column in final-to-useful templates.
- quantity
The name of the quantity column in final-to-useful templates.
- maximum_values
The name of the maximum values column in final-to-useful templates.
- C_eiou
The name of the EIOU allocation rows in final-to-useful templates.
- C_Y
The name of the final demand allocation rows in final-to-useful templates.
- C_perc
The name of the percentage allocation rows in final-to-useful templates.
- e_dot_max
The name of the maximum Edot column in final-to-useful templates.
- e_dot_dest
The name of the column representing the destination for energy flows in final-to-useful templates.
- e_dot_perc
The name of the energy flow percentage column in final-to-useful templates.
- e_dot_machine
The name of the column representing energy flow into a machine in final-to-useful templates.
- e_dot_machine_tot
The name of the column representing total energy flow into a machine in final-to-useful templates.
- e_dot_machine_perc
The name of the machine energy flow percentage column in final-to-useful templates.
- e_dot_machine_max_perc
The name of the machine energy flow maximum percentage column in final-to-useful templates.
- eta_fu
The name of the final-to-useful machine efficiency column in final-to-useful templates.
- phi_pf
The name of the exergy-to-energy ratio column various data frames templates.
- phi_u
The name of the useful exergy-to-energy ratio column in final-to-useful templates.
- phi
The name of the exergy-to-energy ratio column for primary, final, and useful stages.
- c_source
The name of a column containing the source of final-to-useful allocation information.
- eta_fu_source
The name of a column containing the source of final-to-useful efficiency data.
- phi_source
The name of a column containing the source of exergy-to-energy ratios.
- .values
The name of a temporary column that holds values.
Some of these names may represent rows (instead of columns) at some stages of the final-to-useful analysis.
#> $ef_product
#> [1] "EfProduct"
#> $machine
#> [1] "Machine"
#> $eu_product
#> [1] "EuProduct"
#> $destination
#> [1] "Destination"
#> $quantity
#> [1] "Quantity"
#> $maximum_values
#> [1] "MaximumValues"
#> $C_eiou
#> [1] "C_EIOU"
#> $C_Y
#> [1] "C_Y"
#> $C_perc
#> [1] "C.perc [%]"
#> $e_dot_max
#> [1] "Edot_max"
#> $e_dot_perc
#> [1] "Edot [%]"
#> $e_dot_dest
#> [1] "Edot_dest"
#> $e_dot_machine
#> [1] "Edot_machine"
#> $e_dot_machine_tot
#> [1] "Edot_machine_tot"
#> $e_dot_machine_perc
#> [1] "Edot_machine [%]"
#> $e_dot_machine_max_perc
#> [1] "Edot_machine_max [%]"
#> $eta_fu
#> [1] "etafu"
#> $phi_pf
#> [1] "phipf"
#> $phi_u
#> [1] "phiu"
#> $phi
#> [1] "phi"
#> $c_source
#> [1] "CSource"
#> $eta_fu_source
#> [1] "etafuSource"
#> $phi_source
#> [1] "PhiSource"
#> $.values
#> [1] "Value"