Total primary energy supply flows
A string vector containing names of Total primary energy supply
s in the IEA extended energy balances database.
A string vector with 9 entries.
- resources
The string identifier for Resource flows.
- production
The string identifier for Production flows.
- imports
The string identifier for Import flows.
- exports
The string identifier for Export flows.
- international_marine_bunkers
The string identifier for International marine bunkers flows.
- international_aviation_bunkers
The string identifier for International aviation bunkers flows.
- exports_to_world_marine_bunkers
The string identifier for Exports to World marine bunkers.
- exports_to_world_aviation_bunkers
The string identifier for Exports to World aviation bunkers.
- stock_changes
The string identifier for Stock changes flows.
#> $resources
#> [1] "Resources"
#> $production
#> [1] "Production"
#> $imports
#> [1] "Imports"
#> $exports
#> [1] "Exports"
#> $international_marine_bunkers
#> [1] "International marine bunkers"
#> $international_aviation_bunkers
#> [1] "International aviation bunkers"
#> $exports_to_world_marine_bunkers
#> [1] "Exports to World marine bunkers"
#> $exports_to_world_aviation_bunkers
#> [1] "Exports to World aviation bunkers"
#> $stock_changes
#> [1] "Stock changes"