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Typical pieces include "noun" or a preposition, such as "in" or "from". See RCLabels::prepositions for additional examples. This argument may be a single string or a character vector.


  prepositions = RCLabels::prepositions_list,
  inf_notation = TRUE,
  notation = RCLabels::bracket_notation,
  choose_most_specific = FALSE



A vector of row or column labels in which pieces will be modified.


The piece (or pieces) of the row or column label that will be modified.


A modification map. See details.


A list of prepositions, used to detect prepositional phrases. Default is RCLabels::prepositions_list.


A boolean that tells whether to infer notation for x. Default is TRUE. See infer_notation() for details.


The notation type to be used when extracting prepositions. Default is RCLabels::notations_list, meaning that the notation is inferred using infer_notation().


A boolean that tells whether the most specific notation is selected when more than one notation match. Default is FALSE.


labels with replacements according to piece and mod_map.


This function modifies pieces of row and column labels according to label_map that defines "one or many to one" relationships. This function is useful for aggregations. For example, replacing nouns can be done by modify_label_pieces(labels, piece = "noun", label_map = list(new_noun = c("a", "b", "c")). The string "new_noun" will replace any of "a", "b", or "c" when they appear as nouns in a row or column label. See examples for details.

The mod_map argument should consist of a named list of character vectors in which names indicate strings to be inserted and values indicate values that should be replaced. The sense is new = old or new = olds, where "new" is the new name (the replacement) and "old"/"olds" is/are a string/vector of strings, any one of which will be replaced by "new".

Note piece can be "pref"/"suff" or "noun"/"prepositions" If any piece is "pref" or "suff", all pieces are assumed to be a prefix or a suffix. If non of the pieces are "pref" or "suff", all pieces are assumed to be nouns or prepositions, such as "in" or "from". See RCLabels::prepositions for additional examples. This argument may be a single string or a character vector.


# Simple case
modify_label_pieces("a [of b in c]",
                    piece = "noun",
                    mod_map = list(new_noun = c("a", "b")))
#> [1] "new_noun [of b in c]"
# Works with a vector or list of labels
modify_label_pieces(c("a [of b in c]", "d [-> e in f]"),
                    piece = "noun",
                    mod_map = list(new_noun = c("d", "e")))
#> [1] "a [of b in c]"        "new_noun [-> e in f]"
# Works with multiple items in the mod_map
modify_label_pieces(c("a [of b in c]", "d [-> e in f]"),
                    piece = "noun",
                    mod_map = list(new_noun1 = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                   new_noun2 = c("d", "e", "f")))
#> [1] "new_noun1 [of b in c]" "new_noun2 [-> e in f]"
# Works with multiple pieces to be modified
modify_label_pieces(c("a [of b in c]", "d [-> e in f]"),
                    piece = c("noun", "in"),
                    mod_map = list(new_noun = c("a", "b", "c"),
                                   new_in   = c("c", "f")))
#> [1] "new_noun [of b in new_in]" "d [-> e in new_in]"