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There are situations where it is helpful to reallocate values from one row or column to another, in proportion to remaining values in corresponding columns or rows. This function performs the reallocation operation. See examples.


  rowcolnames = NULL,
  margin = c(1, 2),
  .zero_behaviour = c("error", "warning", "zeroes", "allocate equally"),
  piece = "all",
  pattern_type = "exact",
  prepositions = RCLabels::prepositions_list,
  notation = RCLabels::notations_list,
  inf_notation = TRUE,
  choose_most_specific = FALSE



A matrix or a list of matrices.


The names of the rows or columns to be redistributed.


The margin of the matrix on which the rowcolnames are located. Default is c(1, 2), meaning that both rows (1) and columns (2) will be checked for rowcolnames and redistributed.


Tells how to proceed when remaining (i.e., unallocated) rows or columns are all zero. Default is "error", which throws an error. See details for other options.


The piece of row or column names to be assessed. Default is "all", indicating that the entire label will be assessed.


The pattern type desired. Default is "exact". Other options are "leading", "trailing", "anywhere", and "literal". See RCLabels::make_or_pattern() for details.


Prepositions used by select_rowcol_piece_byname() for row and column name matching. Default is RCLabels::prepositions_list.


The row or column notation used by select_rowcol_piece_byname() for row and column name matching. Default is RCLabels::notations_list.


A boolean used by select_rowcol_piece_byname() that tells whether to infer notation for rows and columns. Default is TRUE. See RCLabels::infer_notation() for details.


A boolean used by select_rowcol_piece_byname() that tells whether to choose the most specific notation from notation when inferring notation. Default is FALSE so that a less specific notation can be inferred. In combination with RCLabels::notations_list, the default value of FALSE means that RCLabels::bracket_notation will be selected instead of anything more specific, such as RCLabels::from_notation.


A modified version of a with rowcolnames redistributed.


This function will provide answers, but it is unlikely that the answers will be meaningful, when the remaining data (the rows or columns not being allocated) contain negative numbers.

When the remaining rows or columns not being reallocated contain zeroes, the result is determined by .zero_behaviour. Options are one of:

  • "error" (the default) to throw an error.

  • "warning" to issue a warning but continue execution. Be careful with this option!

  • "zeroes" to return zeroes in the row or column with zeroes. Note that "zeroes" and "warning" return the same value. "zeroes" does so without a warning.

  • "allocate equally" to equally allocate across remaining rows or columns.


m <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3,
              4, 5, 6,
              7, 8, 9), 
            nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, 
            dimnames = list(c("r1", "r2", "r3"), 
            c("c1", "c2", "c3")))
#>    c1 c2 c3
#> r1  1  2  3
#> r2  4  5  6
#> r3  7  8  9
# Move row 3 into the other rows (r1 and r2) proportionally
reallocate_byname(m, rowcolnames = "r3", margin = 1)
#>     c1        c2 c3
#> r1 2.4  4.285714  6
#> r2 9.6 10.714286 12
# Move column 2 into the other columns (c1 and c3) proportionally
reallocate_byname(m, rowcolnames = "c2", margin = 2)
#>      c1   c3
#> r1  1.5  4.5
#> r2  6.0  9.0
#> r3 10.5 13.5
# Demonstrate different options for reallocating when zeroes remain.
m2 <- matrix(c(1, 2,  0,
               4, 5,  0,
               7, 8, 10), 
             nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, 
             dimnames = list(c("r1", "r2", "r3"), 
             c("c1", "c2", "c3")))
#>    c1 c2 c3
#> r1  1  2  0
#> r2  4  5  0
#> r3  7  8 10
reallocate_byname(m2, rowcolnames = "r3", margin = 1, 
                  .zero_behaviour = "zeroes")
#>     c1        c2 c3
#> r1 2.4  4.285714  0
#> r2 9.6 10.714286  0
reallocate_byname(m2, rowcolnames = "r3", margin = 1, 
                  .zero_behaviour = "allocate equally")
#>     c1        c2 c3
#> r1 2.4  4.285714  5
#> r2 9.6 10.714286  5
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# "error" will cause an error to be emitted.
reallocate_byname(m2, rowcolnames = "r3", margin = 1, 
                  .zero_behaviour = "error")
# "warning" will cause a warning to be emitted
# and will return a result that is the same as "zeroes".
reallocate_byname(m2, rowcolnames = "r3", margin = 1, 
                  .zero_behaviour = "warning")
} # }