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The singular value decomposition decomposes matrix A into A = U D V^T, where U and V are orthogonal matrices and D is a diagonal matrix. U is the left singular vectors of A. V is the right singular vectors of A.


svd_byname(a, which = c("d", "u", "v"))



A matrix to be decomposed.


The matrix to be returned. Default is "d". See details.


A matrix of the singular value decomposition of a.


which determines the part of the singular value decomposition to be returned. "d" (default) gives the D matrix. "u" gives the U matrix. "v" gives the V matrix (not its transpose).


A = matrix(c(4, 0, 
             3, -5), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE, 
           dimnames = list(c("r1", "r2"), c("c1", "c2"))) %>% 
  setrowtype("Product") %>% setcoltype("Industry")
#>    c1 c2
#> r1  4  0
#> r2  3 -5
#> attr(,"rowtype")
#> [1] "Product"
#> attr(,"coltype")
#> [1] "Industry"
svd_byname(A) # Gives D matrix, by default
#>          c1       c2
#> r1 6.324555 0.000000
#> r2 0.000000 3.162278
#> attr(,"rowtype")
#> [1] "Product"
#> attr(,"coltype")
#> [1] "Industry"
svd_byname(A, which = "d")
#>          c1       c2
#> r1 6.324555 0.000000
#> r2 0.000000 3.162278
#> attr(,"rowtype")
#> [1] "Product"
#> attr(,"coltype")
#> [1] "Industry"
svd_byname(A, which = "u")
#>            r1         r2
#> r1 -0.4472136 -0.8944272
#> r2 -0.8944272  0.4472136
#> attr(,"rowtype")
#> [1] "Product"
#> attr(,"coltype")
#> [1] "Product"
svd_byname(A, which = "v")
#>            c1         c2
#> c1 -0.7071068 -0.7071068
#> c2  0.7071068 -0.7071068
#> attr(,"rowtype")
#> [1] "Industry"
#> attr(,"coltype")
#> [1] "Industry"