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Takes as input a tidy dataframe, an aggregation table routing IEA regions to destination regions (as a data frame), and aggregates flows per regions following the user-defined aggregation table. The boolean argument `net_trade“ enables to perform the aggregation by keeping only net imports and/or net exports or by keeping gross imports and exports.


  aggregation_table = read_aggregation_region_table(),
  net_trade = FALSE,
  destination_regions = "Destination_regions",
  iea_regions = "IEA_regions",
  imports = IEATools::interface_industries$imports,
  exports = IEATools::interface_industries$exports,
  country = IEATools::iea_cols$country,
  e_dot = IEATools::iea_cols$e_dot,
  flow = IEATools::iea_cols$flow,
  year = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
  ledger_side = IEATools::iea_cols$ledger_side,
  flow_aggregation_point = IEATools::iea_cols$flow_aggregation_point,
  product = IEATools::iea_cols$product,
  etwmb = IEATools::tpes_flows$exports_to_world_marine_bunkers,
  etwab = IEATools::tpes_flows$exports_to_world_aviation_bunkers,
  .net_imports = "Net_Imports"



The .tidy_iea_df data frame that needs to be aggregated by regions. The .tidy_iea_df is likely to have been obtained with the load_tidy_iea_df() function.


An aggregation table that routes the IEA regions (iea_regions column) to destination regions (destination_regions column). The aggregation table can be built manually or loaded from an Excel file with the read_aggregation_region_table() function. Default is the 2019 IEA to Exiobase aggregation table, as provided by the read_aggregation_region_table() function.


The boolean that defines whether imports and exports by aggregation region should be converted into net imports / exports or not. Default is FALSE.


The name of the destination_regions in the aggregation_table data frame. Default is "Destination_regions".


The name of the iea_regions in the aggregation_table data frame. Default is "IEA_regions".


The name of the imports flow in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::interface_industries$imports.


The name of the exports flow in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::interface_industries$exports.


The name of the country column in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$country.


The name of the e_dot column in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$e_dot.


The name of the flow column in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$flow.


The name of the year column in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$year.


The name of the ledger_side column in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$ledger_side.


The name of the flow_aggregation_point column in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$flow_aggregation_point.


The name of the product column in the .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$product.

etwmb, etwab

The string identifiers for exports to world marine and aviation bunkers. These exports are out of a country and into the "WMBK" or "WABK" countries. Defaults are IEATools::tpes_flows$exports_to_world_marine_bunkers and IEATools::tpes_flows$exports_to_world_aviation_bunkers.


The name of the .net_import variable, that is only used internally to the function. Not returned. Default is "Net_Imports". It is suggested that this parameter is only used in the particular case that there is a column or a flow named "Net_Imports" in the .tidy_iea_df input data frame.


A .tidy_iea_df that contains the data of the input .tidy_iea_df aggregated by regions as specified in the user-defined country aggregation table provided.


# Performs the regional aggregation using the default IEA to Exiobase mapping 
# for IEA data 2019, using the example `.tidy_iea_df` 
# returned by the `load_tidy_iea_df()` function when run without argument.
aggregate_regions(.tidy_iea_df = load_tidy_iea_df())
#> # A tibble: 403 × 11
#>    Country    Method EnergyType LastStage  Year LedgerSide  FlowAggregationPoint
#>    <chr>      <chr>  <chr>      <chr>     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>               
#>  1 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  2 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  3 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  4 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  5 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  6 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  7 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  8 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Non-energy use      
#>  9 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Other               
#> 10 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Other               
#> # ℹ 393 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: Flow <chr>, Product <chr>, Unit <chr>, Edot <dbl>
# Performs the regional aggregation using the default IEA to Exiobase mapping 
# for IEA data 2020, using the example `.tidy_iea_df` 
# returned by the `load_tidy_iea_df()` function when run without argument.
aggregate_regions(.tidy_iea_df = load_tidy_iea_df(), 
                  aggregation_table = read_aggregation_region_table(
#> # A tibble: 403 × 11
#>    Country    Method EnergyType LastStage  Year LedgerSide  FlowAggregationPoint
#>    <chr>      <chr>  <chr>      <chr>     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>               
#>  1 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  2 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  3 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  4 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  5 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  6 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  7 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  8 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Non-energy use      
#>  9 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Other               
#> 10 RoW Africa PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Other               
#> # ℹ 393 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: Flow <chr>, Product <chr>, Unit <chr>, Edot <dbl>