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Flow and Product columns of IEA data frames may have been "specified" to contain a suffix of the form " [of Natural gas\"], for example. This function strips away the suffix.

Identification of parenthetical notation delimiters is determined by the notations argument.


  notations = list(RCLabels::of_notation, RCLabels::from_notation)



The data frame in which col exists.


The string name of the column in .df to be de-specified.


The string name of the column in the output data frame to contain the un-suffixed version of col.


The notations used for row and column names. See matsbyname::notation_vec(). Default is list(RCLabels::of_notation, RCLabels::from_notation), because both RCLabels::of_notation and RCLabels::from_notation can be used in the Flow column of an IEA data frame.


A version of .df with suffixes removed from the col column and the result placed in the despecified_col column.


load_tidy_iea_df() %>% 
  specify_all() %>% 
  remove_suffix_specifications(col = "Flow", unsuffixed_col = "clean_Flow") %>% 
  select(Flow, Product, Edot, clean_Flow) %>% 
  filter(endsWith(Flow, RCLabels::bracket_notation[["suff_end"]]))
#> # A tibble: 102 × 4
#>    Flow                                    Product               Edot clean_Flow
#>    <chr>                                   <chr>                <dbl> <chr>     
#>  1 Resources [of Hydro]                    Hydro [from Resou…  10472. Resources 
#>  2 Resources [of Primary solid biofuels]   Primary solid bio…  87400. Resources 
#>  3 Manufacture [of Hydro]                  Hydro               10472. Manufactu…
#>  4 Manufacture [of Hydro]                  Hydro [from Resou… -10472. Manufactu…
#>  5 Manufacture [of Primary solid biofuels] Primary solid bio…  87400. Manufactu…
#>  6 Manufacture [of Primary solid biofuels] Primary solid bio… -87400. Manufactu…
#>  7 Resources [of Hydro]                    Hydro [from Resou…  23792. Resources 
#>  8 Resources [of Primary solid biofuels]   Primary solid bio… 162909. Resources 
#>  9 Manufacture [of Hydro]                  Hydro               23792. Manufactu…
#> 10 Manufacture [of Hydro]                  Hydro [from Resou… -23792. Manufactu…
#> # ℹ 92 more rows