Specify all industries
This is a convenience function. It bundles several others:
split_own_use_elect_chp_heat_using_shares_of = c("input", "output"),
route_non_specified_eiou = TRUE,
route_non_specified_tp = TRUE,
specify_renewable_plants = FALSE,
specify_electricity_grid = FALSE,
specify_distribution_industries = FALSE,
ascribe_eiou_to_renewable_plants = FALSE,
ascribe_eiou_to_nuclear = FALSE
- .tidy_iea_df
A tidy data frame containing IEA extended energy balance data
Indicates whether the input or outputs to Main activity producer plants should be use for splitting the Own use in electricity, CHP and heat plants EIOU flow. Default is "input".
- route_non_specified_eiou
Boolean stating whether non-specified EIOU flows should be routed to existing industries Default is TRUE.
- route_non_specified_tp
Boolean stating whether non-specified transformation processes flows should be routed to existing industries Default is TRUE.
- specify_renewable_plants
A boolean indicating whether renewable energy plants should be specified or not. Default is FALSE.
- specify_electricity_grid
Boolean stating whether an electricity grid industry should be specified or not. Default is FALSE.
- specify_distribution_industries
Boolean stating whether distribution industries should be specified or not. Default is FALSE.
- ascribe_eiou_to_renewable_plants
A boolean defining whether a fraction of the EIOU of electricity, CHP and heat plants should be ascribed to the new renewable industries. Default is FALSE.
- ascribe_eiou_to_nuclear
A boolean defining whether a fraction of the EIOU of electricity, CHP and heat plants should be ascribed to the new nuclear industry. Default is FALSE.
An enhanced and corrected version of .tidy_iea_df
That is ready for physical supply-use table (PSUT) analysis.
Each bundled function is called in turn using default arguments. See examples for two ways to achieve the same result.
# Simple
load_tidy_iea_df() %>%
#> # A tibble: 429 × 11
#> Country Method EnergyType LastStage Year LedgerSide FlowAggregationPoint
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 2 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 3 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 4 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 5 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 6 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 7 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 8 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Other
#> 9 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Other
#> 10 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Other
#> # ℹ 419 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: Flow <chr>, Product <chr>, Unit <chr>, Edot <dbl>
# Complicated
load_tidy_iea_df() %>%
specify_primary_production() %>%
specify_tp_eiou() %>%
specify_bunkers() %>%
specify_interface_industries() %>%
#> # A tibble: 429 × 11
#> Country Method EnergyType LastStage Year LedgerSide FlowAggregationPoint
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 2 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 3 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 4 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 5 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 6 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 7 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Industry
#> 8 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Other
#> 9 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Other
#> 10 GHA PCM E Final 1971 Consumption Other
#> # ℹ 419 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: Flow <chr>, Product <chr>, Unit <chr>, Edot <dbl>