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The IEA gives resource extraction in rows where the Flow is "Production". This function changes the "Production" string to "Resources [of Product]", where product is the name of the energy carrier for this resource.


  flow = IEATools::iea_cols$flow,
  product = IEATools::iea_cols$product,
  production = IEATools::tpes_flows$production,
  resources = IEATools::tpes_flows$resources,
  notation = RCLabels::from_notation



An IEA data frame whose columns have been renamed by rename_iea_df_cols()


The name of the flow column in .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$flow.


The name of the product column in .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::iea_cols$product.


A string identifying production in the flow column. Default is IEATools::tpes_flows$production.


A string identifying resource industries to be added to .tidy_iea_df. Default is IEATools::tpes_flows$resources.


A list of specification notations. Default is IEATools::bracket_notation.


A .tidy_iea_df with Production changed to resources .resources_open product .resources_close in the flow column


This function should be called after specify_primary_production(), which adjusts for energy industry own use of some primary energy producing industries. If this function is called first, EIOU will not be accounted correctly.


load_tidy_iea_df() %>% 
  specify_primary_production() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 433 × 11
#>    Country Method EnergyType LastStage  Year LedgerSide  FlowAggregationPoint
#>    <chr>   <chr>  <chr>      <chr>     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>               
#>  1 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  2 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  3 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  4 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  5 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  6 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  7 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  8 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Non-energy use      
#>  9 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Other               
#> 10 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Other               
#> # ℹ 423 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: Flow <chr>, Product <chr>, Unit <chr>, Edot <dbl>