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This function is a wrapper of the functions route_non_specified_eiou and route_non_specified_tp. It is called within the specify_all() function.


  route_non_specified_eiou = TRUE,
  route_non_specified_tp = TRUE



The .tidy_iea_df which flows need to be specified.


A boolean that indicates whether non specified EIOU flows should be routed to existing industries or kept as non specified.


A boolean that indicates whether non specified transformation processes flows should be routed to existing industries or kept as non specified.


A modified version of the .tidy_iea_df with non specified flows routed to existing industries.


See route_non_specified_eiou and route_non_specified_tp functions documentations for additional details.


load_tidy_iea_df() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 403 × 11
#>    Country Method EnergyType LastStage  Year LedgerSide  FlowAggregationPoint
#>    <chr>   <chr>  <chr>      <chr>     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>               
#>  1 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  2 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  3 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  4 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  5 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  6 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  7 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Industry            
#>  8 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Non-energy use      
#>  9 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Other               
#> 10 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 Consumption Other               
#> # ℹ 393 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: Flow <chr>, Product <chr>, Unit <chr>, Edot <dbl>