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Provides a pleasing graphical style for ggplot2 that includes

  • gray axes,

  • gray tic marks,

  • inward-pointing tic marks,

  • right-justified y-axis labels,

  • no grid lines, and

  • white background.


  font_size = 12,
  font_family = "",
  font_size_scale = 0.8,
  spacing_scale = 0.2,
  x_axis_labels_spacing = spacing_scale * font_size,
  y_axis_labels_spacing = spacing_scale * font_size,
  col_facet_labels_spacing = spacing_scale * font_size,
  row_facet_labels_spacing = spacing_scale * font_size,
  tick_length = -1.5 * spacing_scale * font_size,
  border_and_label_colour = "gray50"



The base font size in points for fonts and other graphical elements. font_size is directly the size of the x- and y-axis titles. Default is 12.


The font family used in the graph. Default is an empty string (""), a sans-serif font.


A default scale factor for non-axis-title fonts. Default is 0.8. Change this parameter if you want to change the size of all non-axis-title text.


A default scale factor for spacing between text and axes. Default is 0.2.


The distance between x axis labels and the x axis itself in points. Default is spacing_scale*font_size, normally 2.4 points.


The distance between y axis labels and the y axis itself in points. Default is spacing_scale*font_size, normally 2.4 points.


The distance between x strip text (labels at the top of a faceted plot) and the top border of the individual graphs in points. Default is spacing_scale*font_size, normally 2.4 points, to leave space for descenders.


The distance between y strip text (labels to the right of a faceted plot) and the right border of the individual graphs in points. Default is spacing_scale*font_size, normally 2.4 points, to leave space for descenders.


The tick length in points. Default is -1.5*spacing_scale*font_size, normally -3.6 points, so the ticks will be slightly longer than the spacing between text and borders. Negative tick length indicates the ticks should be placed inside the graph, where ticks belong!


The colour for borders and labels. Default is "gray50".


By default, the font size for axis titles is set by font_size. The font size for all other text elements is scaled relative to font_size, by default 80% smaller than the axis titles. Adjust font_size_scale if 80% is not to your liking.

Spacing between graphical elements can be specified with more precision using this function. spacing_scale adjusts spacing relative to font_size for all graphical elements. But spacing between axis labels and strip labels and nearby graph borders can also be specified individually. See the vignette for examples.


DF <- data.frame(x = seq(1, 10), y = seq(11,20))
p <- DF |>
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +

p + MKHthemes::xy_theme()