Calculate rebound terms.
This function calculates rebound terms from a data frame that already contains Delta terms. Note that each rebound term is calculated twice as a way of validating the derived expression for rebound.
.Deltas_data = NULL,
tol = 1e-10,
I_E = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$I_E,
e_qs_M = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$e_qs_M,
e_qg_M = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$e_qg_M,
k = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$k,
e_qs_ps_C = ReboundTools::orig_vars$e_qs_ps_C,
e_qo_ps_C = ReboundTools::orig_vars$e_qo_ps_C,
C_dot_g_orig = ReboundTools::orig_vars$C_dot_g_orig,
E_dot_s_orig = ReboundTools::orig_vars$E_dot_s_orig,
S_dot_dev = ReboundTools::star_vars$S_dot_dev,
eta_ratio = ReboundTools::star_vars$eta_ratio,
N_dot_star = ReboundTools::star_vars$N_dot_star,
M_dot_hat_prime = ReboundTools::hat_vars$M_dot_hat_prime,
tau_alpha_orig = ReboundTools::orig_vars$tau_alpha_orig,
tau_alpha_star = ReboundTools::star_vars$tau_alpha_star,
C_dot_cap_orig = ReboundTools::orig_vars$C_cap_orig,
C_dot_cap_star = ReboundTools::star_vars$C_cap_star,
Delta_E_dot_emb_star = ReboundTools::Delta_vars$Delta_E_dot_emb_star,
tau_omega_orig = ReboundTools::orig_vars$tau_omega_orig,
tau_omega_star = ReboundTools::star_vars$tau_omega_star,
C_dot_d_orig = ReboundTools::orig_vars$C_dot_d_orig,
C_dot_d_star = ReboundTools::star_vars$C_dot_d_star,
Delta_C_dot_om_star = ReboundTools::Delta_vars$Delta_C_dot_om_star,
Delta_C_dot_omd_star = ReboundTools::Delta_vars$Delta_C_dot_omd_star,
Delta_E_dot_s_hat = ReboundTools::Delta_vars$Delta_E_dot_s_hat,
Delta_C_dot_g_hat = ReboundTools::Delta_vars$Delta_C_dot_g_hat,
Delta_E_dot_s_bar = ReboundTools::Delta_vars$Delta_E_dot_s_bar,
Delta_C_dot_g_bar = ReboundTools::Delta_vars$Delta_C_dot_g_bar,
Re_dempl = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_dempl,
Re_emb = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_emb,
Re_cap = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_cap,
Re_om = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_om,
Re_d = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_d,
Re_omd = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_omd,
Re_empl = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_empl,
Re_dsub = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_dsub,
Re_isub = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_isub,
Re_sub = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_sub,
Re_dinc = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_dinc,
Re_iinc = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_iinc,
Re_inc = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_inc,
Re_micro = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_micro,
Re_macro = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_macro,
Re_dir = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_dir,
Re_indir = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_indir,
Re_tot = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_tot
- .Deltas_data
A data frame containing Delta values, likely created by
- tol
The tolerance for checking internal consistency of rebound calculations. Default is
.- I_E, e_qs_M, e_qg_M, k
- e_qs_ps_C, e_qo_ps_C, C_dot_g_orig, E_dot_s_orig
- S_dot_dev, eta_ratio
- N_dot_star
- M_dot_hat_prime
- tau_alpha_orig, C_dot_cap_orig, tau_omega_orig, C_dot_d_orig
- tau_alpha_star, tau_omega_star, C_dot_d_star, C_dot_cap_star, Delta_C_dot_om_star, Delta_C_dot_omd_star, Delta_E_dot_emb_star, Delta_E_dot_s_hat, Delta_C_dot_g_hat, Delta_E_dot_s_bar, Delta_C_dot_g_bar
- Re_dempl, Re_emb, Re_cap, Re_om, Re_d, Re_omd, Re_empl, Re_dsub, Re_isub, Re_sub, Re_dinc, Re_iinc, Re_inc, Re_micro, Re_macro, Re_dir, Re_indir, Re_tot
load_eeu_data() %>%
calc_orig() %>%
calc_star() %>%
calc_hat() %>%
calc_bar() %>%
calc_tilde() %>%
calc_Deltas() %>%
#> # A tibble: 3 × 256
#> Reference Case Original Upgrade r service_unit energy_engr_unit
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 None yet Car Ford Fusion Ford Fu… 0.03 mile gal
#> 2 None yet Lamp Incandescent LED 0.03 lm-hr W-hr
#> 3 None yet Car, r = 0 Ford Fusion Ford Fu… 0 mile gal
#> # ℹ 249 more variables: `MJ/energy_engr_unit` <dbl>, I_E <dbl>, k <dbl>,
#> # p_E_engr_units <dbl>, e_qs_ps_UC_orig <dbl>, e_qs_M <dbl>, e_qg_M <dbl>,
#> # eta_engr_units_orig <dbl>, eta_engr_units_star <dbl>, q_dot_s_orig <dbl>,
#> # M_dot_orig <dbl>, C_cap_orig <dbl>, C_cap_star <dbl>, C_dot_om_orig <dbl>,
#> # C_d_orig <dbl>, C_dot_om_star <dbl>, C_d_star <dbl>, E_emb_orig <dbl>,
#> # t_life_orig <dbl>, E_emb_star <dbl>, t_life_star <dbl>,
#> # tau_alpha_orig <dbl>, tau_omega_orig <dbl>, p_E <dbl>, p_E_orig <dbl>, …