Names of graph data frame columns
The list of names of graph data frame columns. These are default names for columns produced internally.
A string list with 26 entries.
- colour_col
The name of the column containing line colours.
- size_col
The name of the column containing line sizes (widths).
- linetype_col
The name of the column containing line types.
- graph_type_col
The name of the column containing graph types.
- line_name_col
The name of the column containing names (string identifiers) for lines, segments, and grids.
- slope_col
The name of the column containing line slopes.
- intercept_col
The name of the column containing line intercepts.
- x_col
The name of the column containing starting x values.
- y_col
The name of the column containing starting y values.
- xend_col
The name of the column containing ending x values.
- yend_col
The name of the column containing ending y values.
- qs1_qs0_col
The name of the column containing a q_s/q_s_0 point on this indifference curve.
- Co1_Co0_col
The name of the column containing a C_s/C_s_0 point on this indifference curve.
- f_Cs_orig_col
The name of the column containing the original value of f_Cs for this indifference curve.
- sigma_col
The name of the column containing ending sigma values for this indifference curve.
- start_point_col
The name of the boolean column telling whether this row contains a segment that should have a starting point.
- end_arrow_col
The name of the boolean column telling whether this row contains a segment that should have an ending arrow.
- Re_names
The name of the column of rebound names.
- Re_values
The name of the column of rebound values.
- y_names_col
The name of the column of y-axis variable names.
- y_vals_col
The name of the column of y-axis variable names.
#> $colour_col
#> [1] "colour"
#> $size_col
#> [1] "size"
#> $shape_col
#> [1] "shape"
#> $fill_col
#> [1] "fill"
#> $stroke_col
#> [1] "stroke"
#> $linewidth_col
#> [1] "linewidth"
#> $linetype_col
#> [1] "linetype"
#> $graph_type_col
#> [1] "graph_type"
#> $line_name_col
#> [1] "line_name"
#> $point_name_col
#> [1] "point_name"
#> $slope_col
#> [1] "slope"
#> $intercept_col
#> [1] "intercept"
#> $x_col
#> [1] "x"
#> $y_col
#> [1] "y"
#> $xend_col
#> [1] "xend"
#> $yend_col
#> [1] "yend"
#> $qs1_qs0_col
#> [1] "qs1_qs0"
#> $Co1_Co0_col
#> [1] "Co1_Co0"
#> $f_Cs_orig_col
#> [1] "f_Cs_orig"
#> $sigma_col
#> [1] "sigma"
#> $start_point_col
#> [1] "start_point"
#> $end_arrow_col
#> [1] "end_arrow"
#> $Re_names
#> [1] "Re_names"
#> $Re_values
#> [1] "Re_values"
#> $y_names_col
#> [1] "y_names"
#> $y_vals_col
#> [1] "y_vals"