Key analysis variables
This is the list of key rebound analysis variables. These variables are differenced later in the analysis.
A string list with 21 entries.
- t_life
The expected lifetime of the device.
- tau_alpha
A parameter that accounts for discounting of beginning-of-life purchases.
- tau_omega
A parameter that accounts for discounting of end-of-life purchases.
- eta_engr_units
Energy service efficiency, calculated by energy service divided by final energy consumed to provide that service, in engineering units.
- eta
Energy service efficiency, calculated by energy service divided by final energy consumed to provide that service.
- p_s
Energy service price [service/MJ], calculated by
.- q_dot_s
The rate of energy service consumption [service/yr], calculated by
.- p_E
The price of energy [$/MJ]
- E_dot_s
The rate of final energy consumption by the energy conversion device [MJ/yr].
- E_dot_emb
The rate of embodied energy demand by the energy conversion device [MJ/yr], calculated by
.- C_dot_s
The expenditure rate of energy consumption by the device [$/yr], calculated by
.- C_dot_cap
The capital expenditure rate of the device without discounting [$/yr], calculated by
.- C_dot_om
The operations and maintenance expenditure rate of the device [$/yr].
- C_d
The disposal cost for the device [$/yr].
- C_dot_d
The disposal cost rate of the device without discounting [$/yr].
- tau_omega_C_dot_d
A parameter that accounts for discounting of disposal costs.
- C_dot_omd
The operations, maintenance, and disposal expenditure rate of the device [$/yr].
- C_dot_g
The other goods consumption rate [$/yr], calculated, initially, as a residual of the budget constraint.
- N_dot
Net income [$/yr].
- M_dot
Real income [$/yr].
#> M_dot p_E t_life
#> "M_dot" "p_E" "t_life"
#> tau_alpha tau_omega eta_engr_units
#> "tau_alpha" "tau_omega" "eta_engr_units"
#> eta p_s E_dot_emb
#> "eta" "p_s" "E_dot_emb"
#> C_dot_cap tau_alpha_C_dot_cap C_dot_om
#> "C_dot_cap" "tau_alpha_C_dot_cap" "C_dot_om"
#> C_d C_dot_d tau_omega_C_dot_d
#> "C_d" "C_dot_d" "tau_omega_C_dot_d"
#> C_dot_omd E_dot_s C_dot_s
#> "C_dot_omd" "E_dot_s" "C_dot_s"
#> N_dot q_dot_s C_dot_g
#> "N_dot" "q_dot_s" "C_dot_g"