LaTeX key analysis variables
A data frame of key analysis variables in LaTeX formatting.
A data frame with 3 columns.
- description
Short description of the variable in this row.
- var_name
The text name for key analysis variables.
- latex_var_name
The LaTeX key analysis variable name.
#> description var_name
#> 1 Income rate M_dot
#> 2 Energy price p_E
#> 3 Device lifetime t_life
#> 4 TVM factor (BOL) tau_alpha
#> 5 TVM factor (EOL) tau_omega
#> 6 Efficiency (engineering units) eta_engr_units
#> 7 Efficiency eta
#> 8 Energy service price p_s
#> 9 Embodied energy rate E_dot_emb
#> 10 Capital cost rate C_dot_cap
#> 11 tau_alpha_C_dot_cap
#> 12 Ops.\\ \\& maint.\\ cost rate C_dot_om
#> 13 Disposal cost C_d
#> 14 Disposal cost rate C_dot_d
#> 15 tau_omega_C_dot_d
#> 16 Ops.\\ \\& maint.\\ and disposal cost rate C_dot_omd
#> 17 Energy consumption rate E_dot_s
#> 18 Energy cost rate C_dot_s
#> 19 Net income rate N_dot
#> 20 Energy service consumption rate q_dot_s
#> 21 Other goods cost rate C_dot_g
#> latex_var_name
#> 1 $\\dot{M}$
#> 2 $p_E$
#> 3 $t_{life}$
#> 4 ${\\tau}_\\alpha$
#> 5 ${\\tau}_\\omega$
#> 6 $\\eta$
#> 7 $\\eta$
#> 8 $p_s$
#> 9 $\\dot{E}_{emb}$
#> 10 $\\dot{C}_{cap}$
#> 11 ${\\tau}_{\\alpha}\\dot{C}_{cap}$
#> 12 $\\dot{C}_{O\\!M}$
#> 13 $C_d$
#> 14 $\\dot{C}_d$
#> 15 ${\\tau}_{\\omega}\\dot{C}_d$
#> 16 $\\dot{C}_{O\\!M\\!d}$
#> 17 $\\dot{E}_s$
#> 18 $\\dot{C}_s$
#> 19 $\\dot{N}$
#> 20 $\\dot{q}_s$
#> 21 $\\dot{C}_g$