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Build a rebound results table


  escape_latex = TRUE,
  include_subtotals = TRUE,
  include_total = TRUE,
  as_percent = TRUE,
  rebound_terms = ReboundTools::rebound_terms,
  latex_rebound_terms = ReboundTools::latex_rebound_terms,
  case = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$case,
  subtotals = c(ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_om, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_d,
    ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_empl, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_sub,
    ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_inc, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_dir,
    ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_indir, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_micro),
  total = ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_tot,
  term_name = "Rebound term",
  latex_term_name = "LaTeX rebound term",
  Re_val_colname = "Value [-]",
  perc_Re_val_colname = "Value [%]",
  latex_Re_val_colname = "Value [--]",
  latex_perc_Re_val_colname = "Value [\\%]",



Rebound analysis results. Probably the output of a call to rebound_analysis().


When TRUE (the default), return LaTeX-compatible versions of strings.


Tells whether to include rebound subtotals by stage and direct/indirect. Default is TRUE.


Tells whether to include rebound total. Default is TRUE.


When TRUE, rebound results are reported as percentages. When FALSE, rebound results are reported as fractions. Default is TRUE.


See ReboundTools::rebound_terms.


See ReboundTools::latex_rebound_terms.


See ReboundTools::eeu_base_params.


The rebound terms that represent subtotals. Default is c(ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_empl, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_sub, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_inc, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_dir, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_indir, ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_micro).


The rebound term that represents total rebound. Default is ReboundTools::rebound_terms$Re_tot.


The title of the rebound term column. Default is "Rebound term".


The LaTeX term name column. Default is "LaTeX rebound term".


The title of the rebound value column. Default is "Value [–]".


The title of the rebound value column when percentages are requested. Default is "Value [%]".


The LaTeX rebound value column name. Default is "Value [–]".


The LaTeX rebound value column name when percentages are requested. Default is "Value [\%]".


Arguments passed to xtable::xtable(), possibly label, caption, digits, etc.


An xtable object suitable for printing.


load_eeu_data() %>% 
  rebound_analysis() %>% 
#> % latex table generated in R 4.4.2 by xtable 1.8-4 package
#> % Mon Feb  3 20:58:58 2025
#> \begin{table}[ht]
#> \centering
#> \begin{tabular}{rllr}
#>   \hline
#>  & Case & Rebound term & Value [$\backslash$\%] \\ 
#>   \hline
#> 1 & Car & \$Re\_\{dempl\}\$ & 0.00 \\ 
#>   2 & Car & \$Re\_\{emb\}\$ & 1.45 \\ 
#>   3 & Car & \$Re\_\{cap\}\$ & -9.55 \\ 
#>   4 & Car & \$Re\_\{O$\backslash$!M\}\$ & -0.99 \\ 
#>   5 & Car & \$Re\_d\$ & 0.00 \\ 
#>   6 & Car & \$Re\_\{OMd\}\$ & -0.99 \\ 
#>   7 & Car & \$Re\_\{empl\}\$ & 0.46 \\ 
#>   8 & Car & \$Re\_\{dsub\}\$ & 3.31 \\ 
#>   9 & Car & \$Re\_\{isub\}\$ & -0.26 \\ 
#>   10 & Car & \$Re\_\{sub\}\$ & 3.05 \\ 
#>   11 & Car & \$Re\_\{dinc\}\$ & 4.65 \\ 
#>   12 & Car & \$Re\_\{iinc\}\$ & 7.37 \\ 
#>   13 & Car & \$Re\_\{inc\}\$ & 12.02 \\ 
#>   14 & Car & \$Re\_\{micro\}\$ & 15.53 \\ 
#>   15 & Car & \$Re\_\{macro\}\$ & 7.59 \\ 
#>   16 & Car & \$Re\_\{dir\}\$ & 7.95 \\ 
#>   17 & Car & \$Re\_\{indir\}\$ & 15.17 \\ 
#>   18 & Car & \$Re\_\{tot\}\$ & 23.12 \\ 
#>   19 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{dempl\}\$ & 0.00 \\ 
#>   20 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{emb\}\$ & -0.27 \\ 
#>   21 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{cap\}\$ & -0.84 \\ 
#>   22 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{O$\backslash$!M\}\$ & 0.00 \\ 
#>   23 & Lamp & \$Re\_d\$ & 0.00 \\ 
#>   24 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{OMd\}\$ & 0.00 \\ 
#>   25 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{empl\}\$ & -0.27 \\ 
#>   26 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{dsub\}\$ & 17.36 \\ 
#>   27 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{isub\}\$ & -7.02 \\ 
#>   28 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{sub\}\$ & 10.35 \\ 
#>   29 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{dinc\}\$ & 0.01 \\ 
#>   30 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{iinc\}\$ & 19.04 \\ 
#>   31 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{inc\}\$ & 19.05 \\ 
#>   32 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{micro\}\$ & 29.12 \\ 
#>   33 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{macro\}\$ & 14.23 \\ 
#>   34 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{dir\}\$ & 17.38 \\ 
#>   35 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{indir\}\$ & 25.98 \\ 
#>   36 & Lamp & \$Re\_\{tot\}\$ & 43.36 \\ 
#>   37 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{dempl\}\$ & 0.00 \\ 
#>   38 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{emb\}\$ & 1.45 \\ 
#>   39 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{cap\}\$ & -7.94 \\ 
#>   40 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{O$\backslash$!M\}\$ & -0.99 \\ 
#>   41 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_d\$ & 0.00 \\ 
#>   42 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{OMd\}\$ & -0.99 \\ 
#>   43 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{empl\}\$ & 0.46 \\ 
#>   44 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{dsub\}\$ & 3.39 \\ 
#>   45 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{isub\}\$ & -0.26 \\ 
#>   46 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{sub\}\$ & 3.13 \\ 
#>   47 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{dinc\}\$ & 4.50 \\ 
#>   48 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{iinc\}\$ & 7.27 \\ 
#>   49 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{inc\}\$ & 11.77 \\ 
#>   50 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{micro\}\$ & 15.35 \\ 
#>   51 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{macro\}\$ & 7.47 \\ 
#>   52 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{dir\}\$ & 7.88 \\ 
#>   53 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{indir\}\$ & 14.94 \\ 
#>   54 & Car, r = 0 & \$Re\_\{tot\}\$ & 22.82 \\ 
#>    \hline
#> \end{tabular}
#> \end{table}