Units for variables
Determine the unit for a variable in the rebound framework.
escape_latex = FALSE,
surround_left = ReboundTools::rebound_units$surround_left,
surround_right = ReboundTools::rebound_units$surround_right,
leading_delta_pattern = ReboundTools::rebound_units$leading_delta_pattern,
energy_si = ReboundTools::rebound_units$energy_si,
time_unit = ReboundTools::rebound_units$time_unit,
inverse_time_unit = ReboundTools::rebound_units$inverse_time_unit,
currency = ReboundTools::rebound_units$currency_unit,
currency_latex = ReboundTools::rebound_units$currency_unit_latex,
unitless = ReboundTools::rebound_units$unitless,
unitless_latex = ReboundTools::rebound_units$unitless_latex,
service_unit_name = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$service_unit,
energy_engr_unit_name = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$energy_engr_unit,
energy_converter = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$MJ_engr_unit,
p_E_engr_units = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$p_E_engr_units,
k = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$k,
I_E = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$I_E,
r = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params$r,
trim_stage_pattern = "_[^_]*$",
p_E = ReboundTools::orig_vars$p_E,
p_s = sub(x = ReboundTools::orig_vars$p_s_orig, pattern = trim_stage_pattern,
replacement = ""),
q_dot_s = sub(x = ReboundTools::orig_vars$q_dot_s_orig, pattern = trim_stage_pattern,
replacement = ""),
eta_engr_units = sub(x = ReboundTools::orig_vars$eta_engr_units_orig, pattern =
trim_stage_pattern, replacement = ""),
efficiency = sub(x = ReboundTools::orig_vars$eta_orig, pattern = trim_stage_pattern,
replacement = ""),
sigma = ReboundTools::orig_vars$sigma,
rho = ReboundTools::orig_vars$rho,
income_rate = sub(x = ReboundTools::orig_vars$M_dot_orig, pattern = trim_stage_pattern,
replacement = ""),
income = sub(x = income_rate, pattern = trim_stage_pattern, replacement = ""),
freed_cash_rate = sub(x = ReboundTools::orig_vars$N_dot_orig, pattern =
trim_stage_pattern, replacement = ""),
freed_cash = sub(x = freed_cash_rate, pattern = trim_stage_pattern, replacement = ""),
energy = sub(x = energy_rate, pattern = trim_stage_pattern, replacement = ""),
S_dot_dev = ReboundTools::star_vars$S_dot_dev,
G_dot = ReboundTools::star_vars$G_dot,
f_Cs = sub(x = ReboundTools::orig_vars$f_Cs_orig, pattern = trim_stage_pattern,
replacement = ""),
elasticities = "e",
time = "t_",
cost_rate = "C_dot",
cost = "C_",
energy_rate = "E_dot",
rebound = "Re_",
tau_alpha = "tau_alpha",
tau_omega = "tau_omega"
- .var_name
The variable name for which the unit is to be determined.
- service_unit
The energy service unit for this case (a string).
- energy_engr_unit
The engineering unit for energy (a string).
- escape_latex
A boolean that tells whether to encode the result as LaTeX output.
- surround_left, surround_right, leading_delta_pattern, energy_si, time_unit, inverse_time_unit, currency, currency_latex, unitless, unitless_latex
- service_unit_name, energy_engr_unit_name, energy_converter, p_E_engr_units, k, I_E, r
- trim_stage_pattern
A regex that trims the rebound stage from a variable name. Default is "[^]*$", which trims all characters beyond the last "_" in a string.
- p_E, p_s, q_dot_s, eta_engr_units, efficiency, sigma, rho, income_rate, income, freed_cash_rate, freed_cash, energy
These arguments describe string prefixes that identify variables for unit determination.
- S_dot_dev, G_dot, f_Cs
. These arguments describe string patterns that identify variables for unit determination.- elasticities, time, cost_rate, cost, energy_rate, rebound, tau_alpha, tau_omega
Other arguments to identify variable names.
Information about the particular case is required,
thus service_unit
and energy_engr_unit
are arguments.
To surround the result with a string,
both surround_left
and surround_right
must be specified.
For example setting surround_left = "["
and surround_right = "]"
(the defaults)
gives "[unit]".
This function is vectorized.
rebound_var_units("eta_engr_units_orig", service_unit = "lm-hr",
energy_engr_unit = "kW-hr")
#> eta_engr_units_orig
#> "[lm-hr/kW-hr]"
rebound_var_units("p_s", service_unit = "lm-hr", energy_engr_unit = "kW-hr")
#> p_s
#> "[$/lm-hr]"
rebound_var_units("p_s_orig", service_unit = "lm-hr", energy_engr_unit = "kW-hr")
#> p_s_orig
#> "[$/lm-hr]"
rebound_var_units("Delta_C_dot_g_hat", service_unit = "lm-hr",
energy_engr_unit = "kW-hr")
#> Delta_C_dot_g_hat
#> "[$/yr]"
rebound_var_units(c("eta_engr_units_orig", "Delta_C_dot_g_hat"),
service_unit = c("lm-hr", "lm-hr"),
energy_engr_unit = c(energy_engr_unit = "kW-hr"))
#> eta_engr_units_orig Delta_C_dot_g_hat
#> "[lm-hr/kW-hr]" "[$/yr]"