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This function returns TRUE if any of the strings in x starts with the string in target and FALSE otherwise.


any_start_with(x, target)



a vector or list of strings


a string (or a vector or list of strings)


TRUE if any of x starts with target, FALSE otherwise. If target is a vector or list, the return value is the same length as target and contains the result of applying the test to each item in target.


This function is vectorized. If target is a vector or list of strings, the return value is the same length as target and contains the result of applying the same test (do any of x start with target?) to each item in target.


# TRUE, because one of the x string ("bd") starts with "b"
any_start_with(x = c("ad", "bd", "cd"), target = "b")
#> [1] TRUE
# TRUE, because two of the x strings starts with "Production"
any_start_with(x = c("Production - Crude", "Production - NG", "Bogus"), target = "Production")
#> [1] TRUE
# FALSE, because none of the x strings starts with "Offshore"
any_start_with(x = c("Production - Crude", "Production - NG", "Bogus"), target = "Offshore")
#> [1] FALSE
# TRUE FALSE, because the x strings start with "Production" but not "Offshore"
any_start_with(x = c("Production - Crude", "Production - NG", "Bogus"),
               target = c("Production", "Offshore"))
#> [1]  TRUE FALSE