new_* function interactions
Matthew Kuperus Heun
The Recca
package provides several new_*
functions that allow the user to estimate a new version of an energy
conversion chain (ECC) based on localized changed to one portion of the
ECC. The functions can have some interesting interactions, particularly
if they are called sequentially. This vignette show how to understand
and deal with those interactions. The functions new_k_ps()
and new_Y()
are used for this purpose.
To investigate the interactions, we first make the simplest possible
ECC that retains the features to be tested, a minimum working example
(MWE). This example has two resource industries (R1 and R2), one
intermediate industry (I), and two final demand sectors (Y1 and Y2). The
R1 industry makes product R1p.
The R2 industry makes product R2p. Industry I makes product Ip. Product
Ip is consumed by final demand sectors Y1 and Y2.
The resources (), use (), make (), final demand (), and unit summation () matrices are given below.
U <- matrix(c(0, 0, 10,
0, 0, 10,
0, 0, 0),
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(c("R1p", "R2p", "Ip"), c("R1", "R2", "I"))) %>%
setrowtype("Products") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
# There is no EIOU, so U_feed and U are the same.
U_feed <- U
R_plus_V <- matrix(c(10, 0, 0,
0, 10, 0,
0, 0, 4),
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(c("R1", "R2", "I"),
c("R1p", "R2p", "Ip"))) %>%
setrowtype("Industries") %>% setcoltype("Products")
RV_mats <- separate_RV(U = U, R_plus_V = R_plus_V)
R <- RV_mats$R
V <- RV_mats$V
Y <- matrix(c(0, 0,
0, 0,
2, 2),
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("R1p", "R2p", "Ip"), c("Y1", "Y2"))) %>%
setrowtype("Products") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
S_units <- matrix(c(1,
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3, ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(c("R1p", "R2p", "Ip"), c("quad"))) %>%
setrowtype("Products") %>% setcoltype("Units")
We’ll use Sankey diagrams to visualize several ECCs. The
function creates the diagrams. A Sankey
diagram that shows the base energy conversion chain is shown below.
returns a list with a named item “Sankey”
that we must extract to insert the diagram into this vignette.
make_sankey(R = R, U = U, V = V, Y = Y) %>%
Adjust inputs to industry I
We can change the proportion of inputs to industry I using
. To do so, we must first calculate the
input-output structure of the ECC using the calc_io_mats()
function. Then, we call the new_k_ps()
function with a new
k vector that indicates industry I now uses 20 quads of R1
instead of a 50/50 split between R1
iomats <- calc_io_mats(R = R, U = U, U_feed = U_feed, V = V, Y = Y, S_units = S_units)
k_prime <- matrix(c(1,
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2, ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(c("R1p", "R2p"), c("I"))) %>%
setrowtype("Products") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
change_input_proportions <- new_k_ps(c(iomats,
list(R = R, U = U, V = V, Y = Y,
S_units = S_units,
k_prime = k_prime)))
# There is no EIOU, so U and U_feed are same.
change_input_proportions[["U_feed_prime"]] <- change_input_proportions[["U_prime"]]
make_sankey(R = change_input_proportions$R_prime,
U = change_input_proportions$U_prime,
V = change_input_proportions$V_prime,
Y = Y) %>%
Change final demand
We can calculate the ECC that would be required to meet a new level
of final demand with the new_Y()
function. The
and new_Y()
functions interact in
ways that might be surprising to the user, depending on whether the
input-output structure of the ECC is re-calculated between sequential
function calls.
Without recalculating the structure of the ECC
Now let’s change final demand, saying that consumption by Y1 doubles.
But we’ll call new_Y()
without recalculating the
structure of the ECC with the calc_io_mats()
Y_prime <- matrix(c(0, 0,
0, 0,
4, 2),
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("R1p", "R2p", "Ip"), c("Y1", "Y2"))) %>%
setrowtype("Products") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
change_final_demand <- new_Y(c(iomats, list(Y_prime = Y_prime)))
make_sankey(R = change_final_demand$R_prime,
U = change_final_demand$U_prime,
V = change_final_demand$V_prime,
Y = change_final_demand$Y_prime) %>%
Industry I is back to using both R1p and R2p in a 50/50 split to make its output. Both R1p and R2p now supply 15 quads to I to account for increased final demand.
The new_Y()
function is performing exactly as expected,
given that iomats
was supplied to new_Y()
contains information about an ECC in which industry
I’s inputs are split 50/50 between R1p and R2p. So when
calculates a new ECC, it assumes that industry I’s
needs are a 50/50 split between R1p and R2p.
In fact, it would be a mistake to think that new_Y()
would give anything but a 50/50 split between R1p and R2p when using the
description of the ECC.
After recalculating the structure of the ECC
If you want new_Y()
to start from the Sankey in which
all energy supplied to industry I comes from R1p, you need to first
recalculate the input-output structure of the ECC based on the ECC in
which industry I uses only R1p. I.e., you need to re-calculate an
object after calling new_k_ps()
before calling new_Y()
. Then, you must submit that updated
description of the input-output structure of the ECC to
. The following code demonstrates the approach.
iomats2 <- calc_io_mats(R = change_input_proportions$R_prime,
U = change_input_proportions$U_prime,
U_feed = change_input_proportions$U_feed_prime,
V = change_input_proportions$V_prime,
Y = Y, S_units = S_units)
change_final_demand2 <- new_Y(c(iomats2, list(Y_prime = Y_prime)))
make_sankey(R = change_final_demand2$R_prime,
U = change_final_demand2$U_prime,
V = change_final_demand2$V_prime,
Y = change_final_demand2$Y_prime) %>%
The Sankey diagram above shows that we have successfully increased
the demand from Y1
while ensuring that all inputs to
industry I come from R1p. The “trick” is to recalculate the input-output
structure of the ECC between the two steps.
The new_*
function of the Recca
package can
be called sequentially. But the interactions among the
functions can be surprising if their behavior is not
fully understood. This vignette provides a detailed example using the
and new_Y()
functions. If they are
called sequentially without first recalculating the
input-output structure of the ECC, the call to new_Y()
be based on the original input-output structure of the ECC (from before
was called). If calc_io_mats()
called between the sequential calls to new_k_ps()
and the results are fed to new_Y()
the input-output structure of the ECC after calling
will be used for the calculations by