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A Sankey diagram is a flow diagram in which the width of the lines is proportional to the rate of energy flow. Sankey diagrams are a helpful way to visualize energy flows in an energy conversion chain (ECC). This function takes a matrix description of an ECC and produces a Sankey diagram.


  .sutmats = NULL,
  R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
  U = Recca::psut_cols$U,
  V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
  Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
  simplify_edges = TRUE,
  colour_string = NULL,
  name_col = "name",
  colour_col = "colour",
  sankey = Recca::sankey_cols$sankey,



An optional wide-by-matrices data frame

R, U, V, Y

See Recca::psut_cols.


A boolean which tells whether edges should be simplified. Applies to every row of .sutmats if .sutmats is specified.


An optional Javascript string that defines colours for the Sankey diagram, appropriate for use by networkD3::sankeyNetwork(). Default is NULL, meaning that the default color palette should be used, namely networkD3::JS("d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20);"). Can be a data frame with name_col and colour_col columns in which case create_sankey_colour_string() is called internally with colour_string, name_col, and colour_col as the arguments.

name_col, colour_col

The names of columns in colour_df for names of nodes and flows (name_col) and colours of nodes and flows (colour_col). Defaults are "name" and "colour", respectively.


See Recca::sankey_cols.


Arguments passed to networkD3::sankeyNetwork(), mostly for formatting purposes.


a Sankey diagram


At present, this function uses networkD3::sankeyNetwork() to draw the Sankey diagram.

If any of R, U, V, or Y is NA, NA is returned.

Note that there appears to be a colour bug in networkD3::sankeyNetwork() when a node name ends in a ".". Colours for those nodes does not render correctly.


#> Attaching package: ‘magrittr’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:tidyr’:
#>     extract
# Default colours are likely to appear nearly random.
UKEnergy2000mats |>
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "",
                     values_from = "matrix") |>
  make_sankey() |>
  extract2("Sankey") |>
# Create your own colour palette. colour_df <- tibble::tribble(~name, ~colour, "Resources [of Crude]", "gray", "Crude dist.", "gray", "Oil fields", "gray", "Oil refineries", "gray", "Diesel dist.", "gray", "Power plants", "gray", "Elect. grid", "gray", "Resources [of NG]", "gray", "NG dist.", "gray", "Gas wells & proc.", "gray", "Petrol dist.", "gray", "Transport", "gray", "Residential", "gray", "Waste", "gray", "Crude", "black", "Crude [from Dist.]", "black", "Crude [from Fields]", "black", "Diesel", "brown", "Diesel [from Dist.]", "brown", "Diesel [from Fields]", "brown", "Elect", "yellow", "Elect [from Grid]", "yellow", "NG", "lightblue", "NG [from Dist.]", "lightblue", "NG [from Wells]", "lightblue", "Petrol", "orange", "Petrol [from Dist.]", "orange") colour_df #> # A tibble: 27 × 2 #> name colour #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 Resources [of Crude] gray #> 2 Crude dist. gray #> 3 Oil fields gray #> 4 Oil refineries gray #> 5 Diesel dist. gray #> 6 Power plants gray #> 7 Elect. grid gray #> 8 Resources [of NG] gray #> 9 NG dist. gray #> 10 Gas wells & proc. gray #> # ℹ 17 more rows UKEnergy2000mats |> tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "", values_from = "matrix") |> make_sankey(colour_string = colour_df, # Arguments are passed to networkD3::sankeyNetwork() fontSize = 10, fontFamily = "Helvetica", units = "ktoe", width = 400, # pixels height = 400 # pixels ) |> extract2("Sankey") |> extract2(1)