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An edge list is a data frame in which each row describes a flow from one entity to another. Columns in the edge list data frame are From, To, Value, and Product. The edge list can be created from the U, V, and Y matrices of an energy conversion chain. Edge lists is a typical data format for visualization software.


  .sutdata = NULL,
  R = "R",
  U = "U",
  V = "V",
  Y = "Y",
  edge_list = "Edge list",
  from = "From",
  to = "To",
  value = "Value",
  product = "Product",
  waste = "Waste",
  rowtypes = "rowtype",
  coltypes = "coltype",
  node_id = "node_id",
  first_node = 0,
  edge_id = "edge_id",
  simplify_edges = TRUE



Optionally, a data frame containing columns named with the values of the U, V, and Y arguments.


a resource matrix or the name of a column in .sutdata containing resource matrices. (Default is "R".)


a use matrix or the name of a column in .sutdata containing use matrices. (Default is "U".)


a make matrix or the name of a column in .sutdata containing make matrices. (Default is "V".)


a final demand matrix or the name of a column in .sutdata containing final demand matrices. (Default is "Y".)


the name of the column in the output data frame containing edge lists. Or the name of the item in the return list if .sutdata is not specified. (Default is "Edge list".)


the name of the edge list column containing source nodes. (Default is "From".)


the name of the edge list column containing destination nodes. (Default is "To".)


the name of the edge list column containing magnitudes of the flows. (Default is "Value".)


the name of the edge list column containing the product of the edge list flow. (Default is "Product".)


the name of the waste product and the destination node for wastes. Set NULL to suppress addition of waste edges. (Default is "Waste".)


the name of the rowtypes. (Default is "rowtype".)


the name of the rowtypes. (Default is "coltype".)


the base name of node ID columns. Set NULL to suppress addition of node ID numbers. (Default is "node_id".)


the first node number. (Default is 0.)


the name of the edge ID column. Set NULL to suppress addition of edge ID numbers. (Default is "edge_id".)


if TRUE, products with only one source will not have a node. The source of the product will be connected directly to its consumers. If FALSE, no simplifications are made. (Default is TRUE.)


an edge list or a column of edge lists


Optionally, waste streams can be calculated from the U and V matrices and added to the edge list. Optionally, edges can be simplified when a product has a single source. In that event, the node named after the product is removed, and destinations are connected to the sources.


sutmats <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
  spread(key =, value = matrix)
# Don't simplify edges and don't include waste edges
el_basic <- edge_list(sutmats, simplify_edges = FALSE)
head(el_basic$`Edge list`[[1]])
#>                  From           To Value             Product edge_id
#> 1  Crude [from Dist.]  Crude dist.   500  Crude [from Dist.]       1
#> 2 Crude [from Fields]  Crude dist. 47500 Crude [from Fields]       2
#> 3 Diesel [from Dist.]  Crude dist.    25 Diesel [from Dist.]       3
#> 4   Elect [from Grid]  Crude dist.    25   Elect [from Grid]       4
#> 5              Diesel Diesel dist. 15500              Diesel       5
#> 6 Diesel [from Dist.] Diesel dist.   350 Diesel [from Dist.]       6
#>   From_node_id To_node_id
#> 1            0         14
#> 2            1         14
#> 3            2         14
#> 4            3         14
#> 5            4         15
#> 6            2         15
tail(el_basic$`Edge list`[[1]])
#>                 From    To Value Product edge_id From_node_id To_node_id
#> 46 Gas wells & proc. Waste  2075   Waste      46           17         25
#> 47          NG dist. Waste    50   Waste      47           18         25
#> 48        Oil fields Waste  2575   Waste      48           19         25
#> 49    Oil refineries Waste  5075   Waste      49           20         25
#> 50      Petrol dist. Waste   750   Waste      50           21         25
#> 51      Power plants Waste  9700   Waste      51           22         25
# Simplify edges and include waste
el <- edge_list(sutmats)
head(el$`Edge list`[[1]])
#>                   From             To Value             Product edge_id
#> 1 Resources [of Crude]     Oil fields 50000               Crude       1
#> 2          Crude dist.    Crude dist.   500  Crude [from Dist.]       2
#> 3          Crude dist. Oil refineries 47000  Crude [from Dist.]       3
#> 4           Oil fields    Crude dist. 47500 Crude [from Fields]       4
#> 5           Oil fields     Oil fields  2500 Crude [from Fields]       5
#> 6       Oil refineries   Diesel dist. 15500              Diesel       6
#>   From_node_id To_node_id
#> 1            0          2
#> 2            1          1
#> 3            1          3
#> 4            2          1
#> 5            2          2
#> 6            3          4
# Now includes waste edges
tail(el$`Edge list`[[1]])
#>                 From    To Value Product edge_id From_node_id To_node_id
#> 34 Gas wells & proc. Waste  2075   Waste      34            9         13
#> 35          NG dist. Waste    50   Waste      35            8         13
#> 36        Oil fields Waste  2575   Waste      36            2         13
#> 37    Oil refineries Waste  5075   Waste      37            3         13
#> 38      Petrol dist. Waste   750   Waste      38           10         13
#> 39      Power plants Waste  9700   Waste      39            5         13
# Works with single matrices, too.
elmats <- edge_list(R = sutmats$R[[1]], U = sutmats$U[[1]], V = sutmats$V[[1]], Y = sutmats$Y[[1]])
head(elmats[["Edge list"]])
#>                   From             To Value             Product edge_id
#> 1 Resources [of Crude]     Oil fields 50000               Crude       1
#> 2          Crude dist.    Crude dist.   500  Crude [from Dist.]       2
#> 3          Crude dist. Oil refineries 47000  Crude [from Dist.]       3
#> 4           Oil fields    Crude dist. 47500 Crude [from Fields]       4
#> 5           Oil fields     Oil fields  2500 Crude [from Fields]       5
#> 6       Oil refineries   Diesel dist. 15500              Diesel       6
#>   From_node_id To_node_id
#> 1            0          2
#> 2            1          1
#> 3            1          3
#> 4            2          1
#> 5            2          2
#> 6            3          4
tail(elmats[["Edge list"]])
#>                 From    To Value Product edge_id From_node_id To_node_id
#> 34 Gas wells & proc. Waste  2075   Waste      34            9         13
#> 35          NG dist. Waste    50   Waste      35            8         13
#> 36        Oil fields Waste  2575   Waste      36            2         13
#> 37    Oil refineries Waste  5075   Waste      37            3         13
#> 38      Petrol dist. Waste   750   Waste      38           10         13
#> 39      Power plants Waste  9700   Waste      39            5         13