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Identifies resource industries.


  .sutdata = NULL,
  R = "R",
  U = "U",
  V = "V",
  r_industries = "r_industries"



a list or data frame containing use matrix(ces) and make matrix(ces)


resource (R) matrix or name of the column in .sutmats that contains same. Default is "R".


use (U) matrix or name of the column in .sutmats that contains same. Default is "U".


make (V) matrix or name of the column in .sutmats that contains same. Default is "V".


name for the resource industry vector on output. Default is "r_industries".


a list or data frame with .sutdata with an additional column (named with the value of the p_industries argument) containing the resource industries for each row


Resource industries are industries that make a product without using any products. If R is given, its industries are automatically included in the output. Additional resource industries are identified by interrogating the resources (R), use (U) and make (V) matrices. Resource industries are, by definition, present in the R matrix, or they have all zeroes in their column of the use matrix (U) and at least one non-zero value in their row of the make (V) matrix.

Argument and value descriptions are written assuming that .sutdata is a data frame. Alternatively, .sutdata can be unspecified, and U and V can be matrices. In that case, the return value is a list with a single item (r_industries) which contains a vector of names of resource industries for the U and V matrices.


UKEnergy2000mats %>%
  spread(key =, value = matrix) %>%
#> # A tibble: 4 × 13
#>   Country  Year EnergyType LastStage R             S_units  U        U_EIOU  
#>   <chr>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>     <list>        <list>   <list>   <list>  
#> 1 GBR      2000 E          Final     <dbl [2 × 2]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 2 GBR      2000 E          Services  <dbl [2 × 2]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 3 GBR      2000 E          Useful    <dbl [2 × 2]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 4 GBR      2000 X          Services  <dbl [2 × 2]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: U_feed <list>, V <list>, Y <list>, r_EIOU <list>,
#> #   r_industries <list>