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After a call to extend_to_useful(), the resulting data frame is not in a great shape. This function gathers (via tidyr::pivot_longer()) and stacks the useful data beneath the final data. A last_stage column is added to discriminate between final and useful versions of matrices.


  last_stage = IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage,
  useful = IEATools::last_stages$useful,
  .sep = "_",
  C_eiou = IEATools::template_cols$C_eiou,
  C_Y = IEATools::template_cols$C_Y,
  eta_fu = IEATools::template_cols$eta_fu,
  phi_u = IEATools::template_cols$phi_u,
  U_feed_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U_feed,
  U_eiou_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U_eiou,
  U_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U,
  r_eiou_name = IEATools::psut_cols$r_eiou,
  V_name = IEATools::psut_cols$V,
  Y_name = IEATools::psut_cols$Y



A data frame created by extend_to_useful().


The original input to extend_to_useful().


See IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage.


See IEATools::last_stages.


A separator between matrix names and final or useful indicators. Default is "_".

C_eiou, C_Y, eta_fu, phi_u

See IEATools::template_cols. These should be strings (if .sutdata is a data frame or a list) or individual matrices (if .sutdata is NULL).

U_eiou_name, U_feed_name, U_name, r_eiou_name, V_name, Y_name

See IEATools::psut_cols. Distinct from U_feed,U_eiou, U, r_eiou, V, and Y (which can be matrices or strings), these variables determine the names of these matrices on output. Default values are taken from IEATools::psut_cols. Note that .sep and useful are appended to the strings in U_eiou_name ... Y_name to form the output names.


A nicer form of useful energy and exergy data.


C_data <- load_fu_allocation_data() %>% 
eta_fu_data <- load_eta_fu_data() %>% 
m_cols <- eta_fu_data %>% 
  IEATools::meta_cols(return_names = TRUE,
                      years_to_keep = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
                      not_meta = c(IEATools::template_cols$eta_fu,
psut_mats <- load_tidy_iea_df() %>% 
  specify_all() %>% 
extended_to_useful <- psut_mats |> 
  dplyr::full_join(C_data, by = m_cols) %>% 
  dplyr::full_join(eta_fu_data, by = m_cols) |> 
stack_final_useful_df(extended_to_useful, psut_mats)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 15
#>   Country Method EnergyType LastStage  Year Y        S_units  R        U       
#>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr>      <chr>     <dbl> <list>   <list>   <list>   <list>  
#> 1 GHA     PCM    E          Final      1971 <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 2 GHA     PCM    E          Final      2000 <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 3 ZAF     PCM    E          Final      1971 <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 4 ZAF     PCM    E          Final      2000 <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 5 GHA     PCM    E          Useful     1971 <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 6 GHA     PCM    E          Useful     2000 <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 7 ZAF     PCM    E          Useful     1971 <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> 8 ZAF     PCM    E          Useful     2000 <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]> <dbl[…]>
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: U_feed <list>, U_EIOU <list>, r_EIOU <list>, V <list>,
#> #   Y_fu_details <list>, U_EIOU_fu_details <list>