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Adds an indifference curve to a data frame of indifference curves to be plotted on a consumption path graph. The indifference curves are accumulated in rows.


  .DF = NULL,
  graph_type = ReboundTools::graph_types$consumption,
  qs2_qs0 = NULL,
  graph_params = ReboundTools::path_graph_params,
  eeu_base_params = ReboundTools::eeu_base_params,
  graph_df_colnames = ReboundTools::graph_df_colnames



A data frame that accumulates indifference curves for consumption path graphs. When NULL, the default, a new data frame is created and returned. When not NULL, rows for the curves are added to the bottom of .DF.


A data frame of metadata for the segment to be added. This metadata data frame provides the left-most columns of the return value.


The graph type for the indifference curve. Default is ReboundTools::graph_types$consumption.


A name for this indifference curve.

qs1_qs0, Cg1_Cg0

The (x,y) coordinates of a point on this indifference curve.


A second x value at which a a point on the indifference curve should be calculated. Default is NULL.


The ratio of spending on the energy service to the sum of initial spending on the energy service and other goods.


The elasticity of substitution between spending on the energy service and spending on other goods.


Parameters that control the appearance of this graph.


See ReboundTools::eeu_base_params.


A list of column names to use throughout the package. Default is ReboundTools::graph_df_colnames.


A version of .DF with new indifference curves added at the bottom.


The consumption path graph is always indexed, so there is no indexed argument.

This function finds a reasonable range over which to sweep the qs_qs0 variable when generating the indifference curve, depending on the value of qs2_qs0. When qs2_qs0 is NULL (the default), the curve is generated over the range grqph_params$qs_qs0_lower * qs1_qs0 to grqph_params$qs_qs0_upper * qs1_qs0. When qs2_qs0 is non-NULL, the curve is generated over the range grqph_params$qs_qs0_lower * min(qs1_qs0, qs2_qs0) to grqph_params$qs_qs0_upper * max(qs1_qs0, qs2_qs0).


meta <- tibble::tibble(Case = "Test case")
add_indifference_curve(meta = meta, line_name= "Test indifference curve",
                       qs1_qs0 = 2, Cg1_Cg0 = 3, f_Cs_orig = 0.0001, sigma = 0.2)
#> # A tibble: 183 × 12
#>    Case      graph_type  line_name     colour linewidth linetype qs1_qs0 Cg1_Cg0
#>    <chr>     <chr>       <chr>         <chr>      <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#>  2 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#>  3 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#>  4 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#>  5 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#>  6 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#>  7 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#>  8 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#>  9 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#> 10 Test case Consumption Test indiffe… black        0.5 solid          2       3
#> # ℹ 173 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: f_Cs_orig <dbl>, sigma <dbl>, x <dbl>, y <dbl>