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Columns not specified in one of rownames, colnames, rowtype, coltype, or values are silently dropped. rowtypes and coltypes are added as attributes to the resulting matrix (via matsbyname::setrowtype() and matsbyname::setcoltype(). The resulting matrix is a (under the hood) a data frame. If both rownames and colnames columns of .DF contain NA, it is assumed that this is a single value, not a matrix, in which case the value in the values column is returned.


  matvals = "matvals",
  rownames = "rownames",
  colnames = "colnames",
  rowtypes = "rowtypes",
  coltypes = "coltypes",
  fill = 0,
  matrix.class = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  matrix_class = c("matrix", "Matrix"),
  i_colname = "i",
  j_colname = "j"



A tidy data frame containing columns for row names, column names, and values.


The name of the column in .DF containing values with which to fill the matrix (a string). Default is "matvals".


The name of the column in .DF containing row names (a string). Default is "rownames".


The name of the column in .DF containing column names (a string). Default is "colnames".


An optional string identifying the types of information found in rows of the matrix to be constructed. Default is "rowtypes".


An optional string identifying the types of information found in columns of the matrix to be constructed. Default is "coltypes".


The value for missing entries in the resulting matrix. default is 0.


[Deprecated] Use matrix_class instead.


One of "matrix" or "Matrix". "matrix" creates a base::matrix object with the matrix() function. "Matrix" creates a Matrix::Matrix object using the matsbyname::Matrix() function. This could be a sparse matrix. Default is "matrix".

i_colname, j_colname

Names of index columns used internally. Defaults are "i" and "j".


A matrix with named rows and columns and, optionally, row and column types.


Note that two types of matrices can be created, a matrix or a Matrix. Matrix has the advantage of representing sparse matrices with less memory (and disk space). Matrix objects are created by matsbyname::Matrix().


data <- data.frame(Country  = c("GH", "GH", "GH"),
                   rows = c( "c 1",  "c 1", "c 2"),
                   cols = c( "i 1",  "i 2", "i 2"),
                   vals = c(   11  ,   12,    22 ))
A <- rowcolval_to_mat(data, rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals")
#>     i 1 i 2
#> c 1  11  12
#> c 2   0  22
#> attr(,"rowtype")
#> [1] "rowtypes"
#> attr(,"coltype")
#> [1] "coltypes"
rowtype(A) # NULL, because types not set
#> [1] "rowtypes"
coltype(A) # NULL, because types not set
#> [1] "coltypes"
B <- rowcolval_to_mat(data, rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals",
                            rowtypes  = "Commodities", coltypes  = "Industries")
#>     i 1 i 2
#> c 1  11  12
#> c 2   0  22
#> attr(,"rowtype")
#> [1] "Commodities"
#> attr(,"coltype")
#> [1] "Industries"
C <- data %>% bind_cols(data.frame(rt = c("Commodities", "Commodities", "Commodities"),
                                   ct = c("Industries", "Industries", "Industries"))) %>%
  rowcolval_to_mat(rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals",
                   rowtypes = "rt", coltypes = "ct")
#>     i 1 i 2
#> c 1  11  12
#> c 2   0  22
#> attr(,"rowtype")
#> [1] "Commodities"
#> attr(,"coltype")
#> [1] "Industries"
# Also works for single values if both the rownames and colnames columns contain NA
data2 <- data.frame(Country = c("GH"), rows = c(NA), cols = c(NA),
  rowtypes = c(NA), coltypes = c(NA), vals = c(2))
data2 %>% rowcolval_to_mat(rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals",
  rowtypes = "rowtypes", coltypes = "coltypes")
#> [1] 2
data3 <- data.frame(Country = c("GH"), rows = c(NA), cols = c(NA), vals = c(2))
data3 %>% rowcolval_to_mat(rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals")
#> [1] 2
# Fails when rowtypes or coltypes not all same. In data3, column rt is not all same.
data4 <- data %>% bind_cols(data.frame(rt = c("Commodities", "Industries", "Commodities"),
                                       ct = c("Industries", "Industries", "Industries")))
if (FALSE) rowcolval_to_mat(data4, rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                          matvals = "vals", rowtypes = "rt", coltypes = "ct") # \dontrun{}